Patriots Salutes Jamaica’s Teachers

The Patriots, the young professionals’ arm of the Peoples National Party, says they are joining thousands of schools and communities across Jamaica to honour teachers and recognize their important contribution to community development and nation build.
In a Teacher’s Day release the General Secretary of the Patriots, Omar Newell paid tribute to teachers saying: “Teachers have played an important role in our development as a country and are essential to our future progress as a nation! They are indispensable to project Jamaica.”
The Patriots note that many teachers go beyond the call of duty providing the only source of positive leadership in some communities and serve as role models to hundreds of thousands of Jamaica’s youth.
“Their crucial role in our society and in the delivery of quality education cannot be overstated. They are our heroes” Newell continued.
On the day in Child’s month when Jamaicans acknowledge and celebrate the importance of teachers to society, the Patriots say they are expressing pride in Jamaica’s educators.
“They are among the best in the field of education worldwide, and those who remain in the local sector do so because they often put Jamaica’s children first”, the group’s General Secretary said.


Omar Newell,
General Secretary Tel. 388-1368